Saturday, November 3, 2012

Decorated Dog Treats With Colored Sesame Seeds

Make decorated dog treats using colored sesame seeds for an all natural dog treat which cuts down on the amount of sugar in the finished product. 

My blog post Decorated Dog Treats With Colored Sesame Seeds was dedicated to the concerns that abound regarding red food coloring. Read the post for an in depth discussion. In summary, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that it is harmful for dogs. 

Red is the perfect color for the winter holidays. And red colored treats are attractive as these "pupcakes" from Lazybones Pet Treats show:

decorated dog cupcakes colored sesame seeds
Decorated dog treats with red sesame seeds and Fido's Frosting
from Lazybones Pet Treats
Sesame seeds were soaked in red food coloring, which they take very well, and then sprinkled on top of the dog treat frosting. These dog cupcakes were made from the All Natural Cupcake Kit for Dogs manufactured by K9Cakery which includes both cake mix and yogurt frosting mix. It yields 12 mini dog cupcakes.

Your eye can't help but be drawn to these cupcakes. The sesame seed decorations will set into the sugar free frosting which dries hard and smooth and needs no refrigeration. What a lovely treat to bring when visiting friends with dogs over the holidays.

Many bakers of dog cakes prefer to use sesame seeds as decoration because they are all natural. 

Color your own or purchase sesame seeds already colored in various colors and other bakery supplies for dog treats through K9Cakery.

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